The beginning


My Car
All pics
Things I hate

OK i think that there are too many request to b on my webpage so now i g2 put all the girls stuff in here and the guy stuff in on the other page


Tara H: The one who makes me smile whenever i'm with..tara hunny ur so great to me..i try my hardest to return the greatness bac to you...buts a tuff job i'msoo happy i'm with you. you shine light on the darkness in my life..i dont wanna lose you theres sumthing wonderful bout u that no one else got(its agood thing)..ut if we are living far away and cant talk durin the only makes each time together alot better and valuable. Love you so much

ROBYNaka Rob: OH my hey bestest girl thats a all the friggin times we have had together...i would need @ least 5 pages just for you.anyone who knows you should b o so very honor to have met you...ur soo nice and awesum to hang out with..and all the quotes we still remeber o theres another we need to hang out more..busy lifes we got. .wow..i cant beleive u wrote more bout me then hes ur guy i'm sure u'll get to write more bout him. Oh my..wat a long wait just  to get ur pic taken that night..sheesh...later on rob job

Tiffany W.: u and i  have been awesum friends for the longest time and we have shared lots of differnt feelings...i wouldnt trade ur friendship for anything else u are a true good and honest friend. lthose good time...and yes i WILl get my 4wheeler workin again and we can relive allthose awesum moemoeries.. and when i get my liecence u can cound on me being round town..and yes u and rybin and i can go drivin. dont worry i will always b there for u even if i am not there @ the old youth group..just come to the one in the bay....sumer will b great dont worry bout not havin fun'll all b good no worrys..later dyas tiff ...we have been through sum tough times..but i thikn it will make us stronger

  • Vanessa N.:(a.k.a.nessa) omy all those walks and talks and does long ass emails. We have to go out drivin back in that field...its our destany with that old truck..what ami sayin?lol  destiny? o well u are a good  neighbor evn if u dont pay back all the $$ u owe me..
  • Alicia D. gurl .leave mystrings alone!!! u and those nails...ow! u have fun watchin ur movies  i dont kn o what to say but cardboard box..haha  and dont pull my drawstrigs
  • Sandy(Sis) u've been a stranger to friend to good friend to girlfriend to stranger again then good frinds and now back to sis u r the best neighbor we have had the best times in our childhood  kno hide and seek robby pissed...good times..good times
  • Jenn S.: had a good time @ camp...thanks for makin it possible for me to get there and back...ur the best...what would school  b witout u ..thats right hell...u kept hell away
  • Felicia(a.k.a. Fi) now thats a gurl that can speak here mind and those types are the best. cause u always kno how they feel ..see you in the bay
  • Andrea N: We have awesum partys dont we. member u still owe me from the centre dance haha..omy  later gater ...o wait u paid that off..i guess even though it didnt cost as much as i paid for my shit ...hope to see you soon
  • Megan D.: lil dorkie i still luv ya haha ..and ur an awesum person to go to whenever sumone needs help
  • Megan S.: jolly green giant is good isnt it..haha i'll hit ur chair whenever i feel like it just dont toch my balls in class ppls c it haha ..and no i will not kiss ANY guys
  • Jeri: hey ther cdn his11 buddy..o my good times..good friggin times..."transformers"...triangle"...c u in class
  • Alia:you are a very kind and very caring person i dont think i have met anyone that like u b-4( i mean that in a good way)lol this world need ppls like you
  • Erica Berry: you kow you i win wit sarah shes mine not urs..hha omy..blah blah  well not anymore...u can have her ...well i hope everything works all out wit friedns get over probs makes ppls stronger..
  • Stephanie:..sum day u will get the chance to tickle u just g2 time it right.. u and Christain are awesum tether..hesa good guy
  • Mallory R.:hey hope ur enjoyin centre..u'll love pvec soo much better then that shithole
  • Ashley H.:hey there neighbor i should yell over to ya sumtime...and we G2 have that party soon..
  • Leah Murphy:...Leah you made camp a blast...i miss you soo much and i hope i can see you soon sumday and for sure @ camp next year!..good times...good times...say hi to ur family for me....xoxox
  • Krista: ur like my lil sista from camp....and i am always ur you all those piggy back rides
  • Ashley Pinch:girl u r one strong and tuff girl....i am soo regreting not giving u anything to rember me by.....good times @ camp...but it could of been better.
  • Leah Croft:i dont kno u that much but u seem like a good girl...and u kno maybe u were right bout me and sarah.....but maybe not...i put my all in that relationship...but maybe it was too soon too
  • Kaeli:i've known you for a few years threw church...but these past few months  we have been hangin out mroe...and ur an awesum person...always lively
  • Sarah McCarthy:...u kno that sayin if u dont got anything nice to say dont say anything at all...well this applys for you
  • And to all you other ppls sorry bout not including you it just message me or tell me sumway and i will put u on here to make u fell bettter
  • Love is like a butterfly, hold it too tight, it'll crush, hold it too loose, it'll fly


    email me if u good sum awesum ideas to fix up this place or