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well this is i guess for now the last page i am gonna make for a while...i will just put in here whatever the hell i am feelin or whats on my mind...if  got a comment bout sumthing i say on dis just put it in the new guestbook i made today(5/6/03)
OH my its a hard thing to keep these days but u got to keep on doin it or else u will b alone in the world. Be careful who you talk to and think b-4 you speak. Everyone has made mistakes in this topic. sum more then others. along with this goes rumors. you think you can talk to your friends bout everyone is aobut thereself...whatever beifits thereself and makin themself lookin better then everyone else...tryin to b superior...when really..we are all on the same level...we all be teens...u dont deserve to die more then anyone else. (3/13/04)
Well todays world has cracked down on us downloaders...I WARN YOU they r out hunting for us. They have right now 29 ppls who they have on record for downloading 2000-4000 things in the past two years..and they r trying to get there names released in the court..then u will go to jail.and ur family will b sued and end up in a cardboard box wit a shingle over it. They way to stop this is to not share you files....just deactivtate it. second careful how many you download. Dowloading has gone down 50% pity...but i guess ppls wanna make money.(3/13/04)

                                   Politics(sumting i really hate)
Ok well i guess i will start wit whats goin on these days in the world...everyoone is hearin bout all the shit wit wit war and all dat stupid opinion is that they are all a bunch of childern the way the sum lady in that politic building said bush was an "idiot" and everyone went crazy in that place and it was all over the news in the come on one lil word holy shit...ppls call thbush a hell of alot worse things then a lil "idiot" grow p ppls and just deal wit it.(written..5/5/03)
Also wit all of these warnings of global warning ..meh it could happen,..but then they also say that there is gonna b a ice age soon...hmmm maybe they will just balance eachother out and life will b good for another generation....just think our generation known as "generation x" has got a shitload of stufff to fix that our partents messed it all to hell and when we are adults we will have to clean up there shit.(5/6/03)
that "little"  war on terrism as i call it is just the begining...not to be too religious but..its "proficid"(to predict) that there will b a huge ass war that will b like armegedon almost.. or that itself.. ....notice how china has a shitload of out for that country and russia..u havnt heard ANYthing about those countrys wit the war...well excpet the SARS thing but thats it....whats be predicted is that a president of US will g2 far and bomb one too many places and then china and russia will get pissed and strike againt and THEN there will be a really be ass war...but this MAy be all false...its just a therory(
Without frineds just think how life would b if u didnt have any? really just think about one to talk to or share feelings or would b school i guesss its kina worth it to trade sum of ur marks in the term to have time wit ur friends..i mean having 100's in all classes is possible u just g2 pay attention and prectallly ave no life....most of the time...but  witout friends u couldnt enjoy life  u would just b a loner..whicj would blow...i dunno i guess these days its really hard to find decent freinds that you can acutaullly trust and not b thrown down by them in crowds... this tends to happen ALOT if ur wit the one person they are all nice to you but when u and tha person are in a group  they can take any chance to burn u or do anything to get a laugh or look better then you. but lucky there are ppls who dont do that and respect u and thats what we need sumone who respects...and trusts you with anythnig u say...and have a good time of coarse yea thats my thoughts right now(5/8/03)
   in my 15 years on this earth...i have had too many girlsfriends ...but in a way i have learned from them all and i have almost experianced every situation wit break ups..examples.....they move away.....dont FEEL like havin a bf....another guy....lost feelings for me .....cheats on me......and so on and resons i dumped sum of them: belittled me to death....bored me to hell...never hung out or never talked @ all.....but yea most times everyones different when they go out wit sumone ..they r too shy or afriad to say sumthing dumb but  if u dont commnicate  it will get messed up cause u wont kno what eachother r feelin. but yea today i am updated this page due to a break up i just had.. so i had to reword sum of this webpage(5/9?03)
 well yea life is witout it there is nothin..u kno dat sayin "live each day like it was ur last"? well if u didnt that u kno how much illegal stuff would b goin on right would b crazy.. so my idea is live each week like it is ur i guess i dunno being a teen we constanly ave our ups and downs..sumtimes its our family..freinds or school or what ever the hell that can bring us down..lex of good tings: getting a gf/gettin $$ from parents getting 100 on a test.....bad things: gettig dumped...parents get bitchy..getting a 6% on a math test...but just move on past it and learn from it all..i am outta here..later days(5/13/2003)

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